About Quecholac

Casa Hogar La Familia is located in between the town of Quecholac (pop. 2,500) and Palmarito (pop. 5,000) in the state of Puebla about three hours east of Mexico City. The community is 7,400 feet above sea level and is almost exclusively a vegetable farming area. All of La Familia’s neighbors are farmers. Interestingly, just a few miles away and visible from the highway leading to La Familia is the second tallest mountain in North America: Pico de Orizaba, which is 18,800 feet in altitude.
To avoid overwhelming the kitchen and dining room space at La Familia, most mission teams drive to Sandy’s Restaurant in Quecholac to eat both breakfast and lunch. Quecholac is located about a five-minute drive from the casa hogar. Sandy and her family have the mission teams’ food ready to be served when they walk in the door. Sandy is a terrific cook and her family’s service is outstanding.