Work Team Rules
It is important for the members of work teams to understand that they are working in a different cultural setting that requires adherence to rules specific to their conduct. The following are rules that La Familia work teams are asked to observe.
Any deviation from these rules must be approved by the directors.
1. Please respect the following meal times:
Breakfast – 8:30 a.m.(Some teams will eat breakfast in Quecholac, a town about a 10-minute drive from La Familia)
Lunch – 2:30 p.m. (some teams will also have lunch in Quecholac)
Dinner – Work teams will eat their evening meal in Tecamachalco at a restaurant or taqueria of their choice.
2. For any meals prepared at La Familia, the directors ask mission groups to pay US $8 per person per day for food.
3. Always ask one of the directors for permission to give any gifts to the children.
Never give gifts to individual children.
NEVER under any circumstances give money to the children.
4. Be especially diligent about your behavior around the children; behave as a Christian role model.
5. When you go into town you represent La Familia. Please do not wear short shorts, skimpy shirts, tee shirts screen printed with anything that could be construed as offensive. Long pants and short or long sleeve shirts that cover the entire midsection are appropriate. When in doubt, ask the advice of one of the La Familia directors. If attending worship services, females would be most appropriate wearing a dress, skirt or long pants. It’s not unusual to see men wearing jeans in church services.
6. Shorts are allowed within the walls of La Familia. Just make sure that the shorts you wear are not “short shorts.” Shirts must cover the entire midsection.
7. In your budgeting process, please come prepared to purchase materials for the projects you will be working on at La Familia. Most supplies can be purchased locally.
8. Work team members are not allowed to take any of the children away from the La Familia grounds without permission from one of the directors.
9. NEVER just show up for a visit to La Familia. Permission must be granted by the directors.
10. Ask the directors’ permission for anything that is at all questionable.