A mission team from Fort Worth, TX returned from La Familia on July 3 and reported that Omar, Cintya and their baby boy have returned to La Familia following a stroke Omar suffered recently.
Several months ago, Omar and Cintya (volunteers at La Familia) were married and when a friend of Omar’s offered the newly weds his home to live in while he was working in the US, they took him up on his offer. Omar quickly found a job working with a large agricultural business.
I don’t have a lot of details, but the Fort Worth team told me that Omar has some facial distortion from the effects of the stroke and has some speech issues. I have asked several of the physicians who have joined me on mission trips to La Familia to make recommendations as to what type of medical attention Embrace the Dream Foundation and other interested parties might assist Omar in receiving.
I also learned that one of the boys that recently became a part of La Familia has quite a few large growths on his body and has never been seen by a physician. I have also asked for advice on how to get this new La Familia resident the medical attention he needs.
Signal Crest UMC from Signal Mountain, TN is going down with a team next week and they are going to do their best to see that both the young boy and Omar are able to see a competent physician.
One of our doctors from the Sumter Team in Sumter, SC has been updated on the situation and has given me instructions on questions to get answered.